Reader's Favorite review of "In strange orbits"

My SciFi series "In strange orbits" was originally published in Spanish (you can find it here), and I have been translating it slowly into English. Now, this is hard work, believe me. Though my English is very good, I am not a native speaker, and the review takes far longer than the Spanish version. It is for this reason that I was thrilled when I saw a U.S. reader comment on Amazon that he was very impressed with the translation and that he "was absolutely devastated that the second volume isn't published yet". You can find his review here.

But today I got an even bigger thrill when I saw the review at Reader's Favorite: 5 stars! Some excerpts:

"In Strange Orbits is a breezy read, a story that is tantalizing, fast-paced, and fascinating. "

"At every turn, the reader wants to know what will happen to the young heroine. One wants to know how it will end."

" I recommend this series for anyone looking for a perfect combination of science and fantasy."

My sincere thanks to Divine Zape and Reader's Favorite for such a kind review! It's this kind of things that makes a writer continue!

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